www.NewDemocracyWorld.org Beware of Dennis Kucinich, Robert Reich, Bill Moyers and their Like Dennis Kucinich, Robert Reich, Bill Moyers, Amy Goodman, Michael Moore, Rachel Maddow, Keith Olberman: what to these famous left/liberals have in common? Five things. #1: They are well known to many Americans because of their past or current positions in corporate-controlled mass media or the federal government. #2: They exercise great influence on the thinking of Americans who want our nation to be much more equal and democratic and less militarily offensive than it is. #3: They tell their followers that the problems we face can all be solved by working within the electoral system to elect Democrats or Third Party candidates so that Republicans don't call the shots. #4: They may bemoan the problems that bother their followers, but they never challenge the Big Lies that keep people in the dark about why we have those problems in the first place.
#5: They never say that the problem is a dictatorship of the rich, and therefore that the solution is a revolution to win genuine democracy and a more equal society than the rich will ever allow. These left/liberals are what, in Britain, they would call the "loyal opposition." They are loyal to the ruling class of the United States, or at least to all of the Big Lies that the ruling class uses to stay in power. This is why they all adopt the vocabulary that obscures the fact that a dictatorship of the rich rules the U.S. undemocratically and deliberately causes the problems we face. This is why Kucinich et al never explain that, for the rich, these problems are not problems but solutions--solutions to the problem of how to control the American public and prevent them from making society more equal and democratic, which we would do if left alone and not somehow controlled. Thus these left/liberals always refer to the U.S. government, even when condemning something it does, as "We" instead of "They." They want us to believe that all Americans, rich and poor alike, are just one big family with the same "national interest." They want us to believe the myth that as wrongheaded and mistaken as we may believe they are, the people running the show are, after all, part of the great American family, the big "We." They don't want Americans to start thinking in terms of "we" versus "they." They don't want us to grasp that we can only solve our problems by making a revolution against the Billionaire Class, against THEM, not against US. As long as we refer to THEM as WE, we will be mentally unable to make a revolution, and unable therefore to solve the problems THEY cause. This is why Dennis Kucinich, in an op-ed about Obama's targeted assassinations in which he doesn't condemn them but merely says "we can all agree that Congress must fully exercise its oversight powers to ensure that the program is being conducted in accordance with the law," asserts the Big Lie about our "national interest" with a straight face, declaring that "All US government officials, including the president, want to ensure the safety of the United States." You can't get more loyal than that! The chief purpose of the loyal opposition is to get us to use "we" instead of "they" to refer to our ruling class and its government. The loyal opposition wants us to believe that real change can come from voting. They want us to not even think about building a revolutionary movement. The reason the loyal opposition engages in "opposition" is to make us pay attention to them and be influenced by them. The reason the loyal opposition has such an easy time getting featured in the corporate-controlled mass media is because the Billionaire Class knows how very important it is for the loyal opposition to succeed in its mission of controlling Americans who want a more equal and democratic and less militarily aggressive society. The question is, are we going to let them get away with it? If you say no, then please start Thinking about Revolution [online at www.NewDemocracyWorld.org/thinking.pdf ]. ---------------------- * Robert Reich was Labor Secretary during the truly heroic rank-and-file-led strikes at the E.A. Staley corn milling company and the Caterpillar Company and the Bridgestone Company (rubber) in 1995. The strikes were sabotabged by the national union leaders and attacked by the companies' management. The workers received no help from the Labor Department, and Reich had the gall to pontificate that the negotiations (which resulted in defeat for the workers) could, as the NYT reported, "spur an incipient trend of labor-management collaboration, with both sides seeing something to gain from an employer's success." This is how Reich told the workers to collaborate with their class enemy as if they shared the same fundamental values and interests, the "national interest" Big Lie.