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Who Is the Enemy?

by John Spritzler

December 20, 2012


The people who deliberately make the world worse for others in order to make it better for themselves: are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who knowingly tell Big Lies to wage unjust wars: are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who enforce economic inequality so as to amass billion dollar fortunes: are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who spread lies about racial, religious and ethnic groups to divide and rule: are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who violently attack and oppress one group of people in the name of another group, to divide and rule: are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who are gutting Social Security and the social safety net: Are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who use government and corporate power to force Mexican small farmers to illegally immigrate to the U.S. where they are terrorized by the threat of deportation and used as cheap labor: are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who do things like destroying the Gulf of Mexico to make a buck: are they the enemy? Yes.

The people who hate NPR and love Rush Limbaugh: are they the enemy? No.

The people who love NPR and hate Rush Limbaugh: are they the enemy? No.

The people who vote against same-sex marriage: are they the enemy? No.

The people who vote for same-sex marriage: are they the enemy? No.

The people who have permits to carry a concealed gun and who want the right to own guns: are they the enemy? No.

The people who want gun control laws stiffened: are they the enemy? No.

The people who think abortion is murder: are they the enemy? No.

The people who think abortion is not murder: are they the enemy? No.

The people who are persuaded we have to tighten our belts and make sacrifices in order to pay back the government's debt: are they the enemy? No.

The people who don't believe the government's debt to the banks and billionaires is one that we rightfully owe in the first place: are they the enemy? No.

The people who vote for the lesser evil and think it is the Republican candidate: are they the enemy? No.

The people who vote for the lesser evil and think it is the Democratic candidate: are they the enemy? No.

The people who don't vote at all: are they the enemy? No.

The people who think the unions are part of the problem: are they the enemy? No.

The people who think the unions are the solution: are they the enemy? No.

The people who don't think illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S.: are they the enemy? No.

The people who do think illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S.: are they the enemy? No.

The people who think 9/11 was orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden and carried out by 19 Muslims who hate America: are they the enemy? No.

The people who think 9/11 was an inside job designed to whip up support by Americans for U.S. rulers to wage wars against Muslim people: are they the enemy? No.

The people who enlisted in the U.S. military to protect Americans from terrorists: when they aren't being violent, are they the enemy? No.

The people who enlisted in the U.S. military who now think U.S. rulers use the military to oppress people, not to protect people, not even to protect Americans: when they aren't being violent, are they the enemy: No.

Those of us--the vast majority--who are not the enemy have some very important differences to respectfully discuss with each other, but we should never forget--never!--that we are friends who have a common enemy!

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