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This is our old web site.
Copenhagen and Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change
by Prof. Robert M. Carter,
Research Professor at James Cook University
(Queensland) and the University of Adelaide (South Australia). He is a
palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist
with more than thirty years professional experience. |
Harvard Professor John Holdren, President Obama's chief science advisor
and an advocate of
"radical reconfiguration of policy and economies—and daily life—on a global
scale" to address climate change,
wrote a book in 1977 in which he presented plans for forced abortions and
forced mass sterilization as worthy of consideration as a means to solve the
"Population Explosion" problem. This illustrates the kind of totalitarian
social-engineering mentality that can shape government policies when the
public is persuaded by so-called "science" that there is an existential
crisis--like "Global Warming," the modern replacement for the old "Population
Explosion" bogeyman. Does this prove human-caused global warming is a false
hypothesis? No. But it is important to keep the social context of such claims
in mind when evaluating the credibility of various "experts." Note that
China's involuntary "one child" policy is turning out to be
horrible for babies
ordinary people and the population is actually shrinking in economically
more developed nations, as is
happening in Europe and
Russia and
Japan and the
United States (excluding immigration) where
"women 40 to 44
years old will end their childbearing years with an average of 1.9 children
each, a number below replacement-level fertility"--places where there are
no involuntary government-enforced population control measures. |
Climate change: As old as the hills (Metro newspaper, April 27, 2009) |
| The 'Hockey Stick': A
New Low in Climate Science, by John L. Daly |
Underway: Global Temperature Continues to Drop in May:
Colder' - 16-month temperature drop of -0.774°C!,
a report by the U.S. Senate
Committee on Environment and Public Works, June 4, 2008 |
| On the Fundamental Defect in the IPCC's Approach to Global Warming
Research by Syun-Ichi Akasofu at this URL:
[Note: due to some weirdness in this URL address, you need to copy and paste
it into your browser manually. Sorry.] |
| The
Faithful Heretic, by Dave Hoopman (an interview with Reid A. Bryson,
Emeritus Professor and founding chairman of the University of Wisconsin
Department of Meteorology—now the Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric
Sciences—in the 1970s he became the first director of what’s now the UW’s
Gaylord Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. He’s a member of the United
Nations Global 500 Roll of Honor—created, the U.N. says, to recognize
“outstanding achievements in the protection and improvement of the
environment.” He has authored five books and more than 230 other publications
and was identified by the British Institute of Geographers as the most
frequently cited climatologist in the world. |
Global-warming skeptics continue to punch away, by Joel Achenbach The
Washington Post |
| Environmental
Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide .pdf), by Arthur B.
Robinson et al, in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 12,
Number 3, Fall 2007 [for background on this article go
here.] |
Lord Nelson and Captain Cook's shiplogs question climate change theories
The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome,
which on page 75 states: "In searching for a common enemy against whom we can
unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality
and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which
must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as
the enemy, we fall into the trap, wh ich we have already warned readers about,
namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human
intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes
and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity
itself." NOTE that the Council of the Club of Rome selected
Al Gore to chair its
1997 annual meeting (in Washington D.C.) |
| Science and Public Policy
Institute website |
U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global
Warming Claims in 2007 |
The Creeping Fascism of Global Warming Hysteria, by Floyd Anderson |
Climate and Carbon, Consensus and Contention, by Manuel Garcia, Jr. June
4, 2007 |
Read the Sunspots, by R. Timothy Patterson (Financial Post, June 20, 2007)
This article includes: |
Statistics needed -- The Deniers Part I
Warming is real -- and has benefits -- The Deniers Part II
The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science -- The Deniers Part III
Polar scientists on thin ice -- The Deniers Part IV
The original denier: into the cold -- The Deniers Part V
The sun moves climate change -- The Deniers Part VI
Will the sun cool us? -- The Deniers Part VII
The limits of predictability -- The Deniers Part VIII
Look to Mars for the truth on global warming -- The Deniers Part IX
Limited role for C02 -- the Deniers Part X
End the chill -- The Deniers Part XI
Clouded research -- The Deniers Part XII
Allegre's second thoughts -- The Deniers XIII
The heat's in the sun -- The Deniers XIV
Unsettled Science -- The Deniers XV
Bitten by the IPCC -- The Deniers XVI
Little ice age is still within us -- The Deniers XVII
Fighting climate 'fluff' -- The Deniers XVIII
Science, not politics -- The Deniers XIX
Gore's guru disagreed -- The Deniers XX
The ice-core man -- The Deniers XXI
Some restraint in Rome -- The Deniers XXII
Discounting logic -- The Deniers XXIII
Dire forecasts aren't new -- The Deniers XXIV
They call this a consensus? - Part XXV
NASA chief Michael Griffin silenced - Part XXVI
Forget warming - beware the new ice age - Part XXVII |
| The
Corporate Climate Coup, by David Noble (Znet, May 8, 2007) |
Top Scientist Debunks Global Warming, by Simon Kirby (The Australian News,
April 11, 2007) |
| Media
Alert-Pure Propaganda-the Great Global Warming Swindle-The Scientists Are the
Bad Guys, by Media Lens, March 14, 2007. This argues against a video
that challenged the "man is causing global warming" hypothesis; a broken link
to the video in included. The video was originally at
YouTube, which now says that "This video is no longer available due to a
copyright claim by Wag TV."
Here is the UK's Channel4 synopsis of the film, which they broadcast. |