printer-friendly version www.NewDemocracyWorld.org The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry--a Book Review Facts are curious things; they don't come with tags on them saying how to correctly interpret them or what their significance is. Another curious thing about facts is that the same fact can be cited as evidence for two very different--indeed mutually contradictory--world views. If one keeps firmly in mind these curious facts about facts, then one can learn a great deal from this very interesting book. But if one is intellectually lazy and simply adopts the wrongheaded world view of the author, then one will be led into an intellectual swamp. The over-arching world view of the author can be seen in these statements of his:
The author, Benton L. Bradberry, makes it quite clear that he believes the world was essentially good at the beginning of the twentieth century precisely because it was dominated by the "white race." Bradberry throughout his book equates "the white race" with "Western Christian Civilization." Bradberry argues that "International Jewry" was hostile to "Western Christian Civilization" and that this is the framework with which to assess the significance of the many alleged facts that he presents in his book--some of which I am inclined (based on my independent reading) to believe to be true or at least very plausibly true. Before looking at some of the interesting alleged facts in this book (listed below), let's see what's wrong with the book's world view (or framework). To say that the "white race dominated the world" at the beginning of the twentieth century is to dismiss as irrelevant--of no significance, of no concern--facts such as this one about the malnutrition of white working class British "world dominators" on the eve of World War I:
Any world view that can blithly choose to use the category "white race" to denote who dominates the world, when the vast majority of people included in that category are clearly far more dominated than dominating, and when only a very tiny number of people in that category (the upper class) could be called "world dominators," is as wrongheaded a world view as one can possibly imagine. Here's a fact about some people in the category of "International Jewry." An article titled "Tens of thousands of Israeli Holocaust survivors are living in abject poverty" reports:
A world view that asserts that "International Jewry" (a category that includes these piteous Holocaust survivors) was the primary winner of World War II, just because a very small number of people in that category (such as the billionaires and generals and politicians who are today's ruling class of Israel) can indeed be considered some of the winners of World War II, is simply wrongheaded. Bradberry's book has a lot of interesting alleged facts--facts (if that is indeed what they are) that we don't learn in our schools or from our media, that's for sure! Some of these alleged facts are presented below. But first, keep in mind that Bradberry's world view can incorporate and "explain" these alleged facts only by frequently heaping praise on those who deserve condemnation, and condemnation on those who deserve praise. Here's one example. Bradberry presents quite plausibly true facts about how the Bolsheviks who seized power in Russia were very largely Jews at the top ranks, and how they committed terrible sadistic atrocities against the non-Jewish people of Russia. He argues that people such as Hitler and Mussolini and Spain's General Franco were thus "saving their countries"--protecitng the white race--by fighting Communist (Stalin and the Comintern, specifically) attempts to take over those countries. Bradberry thus describes the Spanish Civl War (1936-9) as a fight between Stalin trying to take over Spain and General Franco heroically preventing it. Bradberry does not even mention the fact that the Civil War in Spain was begun before Stalin entered the picture, by Franco's attempt to carry out a coup against the Republican government because he feared that the Republican government was incapable of preventing what seemed to be an imminent successful revolution by the Spanish working class (that was led by anarchists, not Communists) to abolish capiatalism and class inequality in Spain. So instead of properly condemning Franco for attacking (white) working class and peasant people, Bradberry praises him for fighting Stalin. Lost from Bradberry's world view is the fact that many of the Spanish workers and peasants (those who understood that Stalin was their enemy despite his pretending to support them) were also fighting Stalin. Bradberry's world view is just incapable of exaplaining things, which is to say it is flat out wrong. Another example of Bradberry's world view going off the rails is this. Bradberry argues that one of the ways "International Jewry" attacked white people after WWII was by supporting the NAACP and its efforts to end segregation in the United States in the 1960s. The fact is that segregation was bad not only for black people but also for the white working class, because it was used by the upper class (virtually all white at that time in the South) to divide-and-rule (i.e., to dominate and oppress) working class people of all races. In the 1930s the dirt-poor tenant farmers--who were blacks and whites--in the Cotton Belt of the South formed an integrated union (the Southern Tenant Farmers Union) to wage strikes for higher pay for their cotton crop. The large land owners used the notoriously racist Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to bust up the tenant farmers' integrated union meetings (the Jim Crow laws said it was illegal for blacks and whites to meet together.) According to Bradberry's idiotic world view, the KKK and the large land owners were "fighting on the side of the white race" and anybody who opposes racial segregation is attacking the "white race." A more stupid world view would be hard to invent! Bradberry's Very Interesting Alleged Facts (I think there is some truth to some of these assertions, but careful fact-checking is still required)
Bradberry concludes that World War II was thus a war between Hitler trying to save Western Christian civilization from destruction by Jewish Communism versus International Jewry using its control of the Soviet Union and Britain and the United States to attack Germany because Germany was defending Western Christian civilization. Bradberry's world view has no place in it for the fact that Hitler was installed as Chancellor at the behest of the German upper class to smash the German working class that was, in the years before 1933, so rebellious that the German rulers feared an imminent outbreak of a civil war (along class lines) that they would lose. Bradberry only mentions the Holocaust briefly, by saying that a) yes, the Nazis did kill some Jews, b) the Nazis did use Jews as slave labor and did put them in concentration camps, c) no, the Nazis did not kill six million Jews--that figure is too high, and d) there is no physical evidence the Nazis killed Jews with gas chambers. In Bradberry's world view the evil deeds of some Jews means that all Jews ("World Jewry") are evil. This is the same kind of idiotic logic by which the domination of the world by some white people at the beginning of the twentieth century supposedly means that "At the beginning of the twentieth century, the white race dominated the world." Thus, for Bradberry, the crimes of Bolshevik party leaders who were Jewish justifies the killing of ordinary people who happened also to be Jewish. By this kind of "reasoning" it means that the Nazi killing of some (but not six million) Jews and the use of Jews as slave labor in concentration camps is unobjectionable or at least not any reason for condeming the Nazis. Bradberry makes a good case that the rulers of the United States and Britain were no less guilty of horrendous war crimes than the Nazis. In Bradberry's world view this means that the important question is then, "Which side was the good guys and which side was the bad guys?" Bradberry takes Hitler's side, viewing him as the defender of Western Christian civilization against "World Jewry." But in a sensible world view the important question is, "How can ordinary decent people remove from power the kind of people (ruling elites) who commit horrendous war crimes in order to dominate the world?" This is the viewpoint of www.PDRBoston.org . ------------------- * Anthony J. Sutton, in his book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, in Appendix I, argues that despite numerous assertions that American Jewish bankers were a major source of funds for the Bolsheviks and their revolution, there is no empirical evidence for this claim. In fact, Sutton says of his own book, "The evidence provided in this book suggests that the New York bankers who were also Jewish had relatively minor roles in supporting the Bolsheviks, while the New York bankers who were also Gentiles ("Morgan, Rockefeller, Thompson) had major roles. What better way to divert attention from the real operators than by the medieval bogeyman of anti-Semitism?" This article may be copied and posted on other websites. Please include all hyperlinks.